Boundary Gate and Barrier works with Aston University Installing Speed Lane Systems

Aston University – Speed Lanes Install

Aston University were a site with very heavy footfall who were looking to control pedestrian entry and exit in two areas around the main University Reception.

BGB worked with the site on the requirements and supplied and installed 8 x 1500mm high glass Speed Lane Systems, 2 of which were wider to allow Disabled Access.

The lanes are compatible with most types of access control systems and the site access specialist was able to easily work with BGB to integrate the existing fob system into the lanes, this allowing site to have a record of is entering and exiting the building.

In addition to this access control, BGB also supplied and programmed a Twok iPad system to the lanes enabling Concierge to open and close the lanes for authorised visitors.

The Lanes were sectioned off using matching toughened glass infill with stainless steel surrounds and cabling was contained in stainless-steel ramps as shown below, making the system very aesthetically pleasing as well as giving site the security it needed.





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